客戶用LiTFSI(雙三氟甲磺酰亞胺鋰)完成論文Flexible, temperature-tolerant supercapacitor based on hybrid carbon film electrodes
標題:Flexible, temperature-tolerant supercapacitor based on hybrid carbon film electrodes
作者:Xiaobei Zang, Rujing Zhangb, Zhen Zhenb, Wenhui Laia, Cheng Yanga, Feiyu Kanga, Hongwei Zhub
摘要:Flexible supercapacitors have advanced rapidly in recent years and contributed to the development of wearable electronics. However, the operating temperature of the flexible supercapacitors usually falls within a narrow range, because of the constraints of the electrode materials and the electrolytes. Here, we report a flexible supercapacitor that can operate at extreme temperatures (down to ?40 °C and up to 200 °C) with excellent electrochemical property and high durability. This device allows a maximum area specific capacitance of 330 mF/cm2. It has 2 F/cm3 volume specific capacitance and 1.7 mWh/cm3 energy density. The high stability of this upercapacitor enables 90% capacitance retention after 105 cycles. Moreover, deformation at extreme temperature does not reduce its energy storage ability.